Easy, Trigger…

Pacing. I am the worst at pacing myself, or others for that matter. I read that guys should run with girls because they are natural pacers. These writers have obviously not ever run with me. I always start out too fast. I try to hold back, I really do, but I find myself taking off. Then I get tired and slow down more than I should by the end. Consistency is brutal for me. I’ve been told I need a tether, or one of those kid leashes. I will accept the kid leash, but only if it is a puppy dog…or maybe the monkey.

My running buddy generally determines the “pace” I end up running. My marathon partner, Robin, is better than I am about our pace. She has her moments though. You feel good, you get speedy. I have a good feeling she will keep us in check on the big day, though.
Running with Alan has actually increased my pace a good bit. We still do interval runs, but my “run” minutes are done at a full minute faster than I use to run. I was doing about 11:45 minute pace, but now I’m about 10:30, on most days. I’m pretty excited to see what I can do, once this marathon training is over. My half marathon is about 5 weeks after the full, so I’ll probably continue to do some long runs, just to stay on top of things. Also, I need that for holiday eating. I plan on having a very yummy holiday season. But once the new year rolls around, I’d love to try and increase my speed. I’m not looking to be super fast, but I’d like to push myself to see what I am capable of doing.

New goals for 2015:
Less than 10 minute mile
Run a 5K without walk breaks

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